Monday, March 26, 2007

Time with family and friends

I spent a lot of time of the break with my friends. I decided not to bring my Drake books and homework to Spain. First of all because my baggage always has problems and then because I decided to have a week without homework.
So from Sunday to Sunday I spent time with family and friends. I cook, I went to some dinners, I drank a lot of coffees, I went to Madrid one day and I read another book of Paul Auster.
Lorena and Iria- Lorena e Iria
With Ana and Lara- Con Ana y Lara
Cristina eating ice cream- Cristina comiendo helado
foto 005
Rita drinking a special coffee- Rita tomando un café especial
foto 006

And now in Spanish...
Y ahora en español...

Pasé mucho tiempo de las vacaciones con mis amigos. Decidí no llevar mis libros y la tarea de Drake a España. Lo primero porque mi maleta siempre tiene problemas y porque decidí tener una semana sin hacer deberes.
De domingo a domingo pasé tiempo con mi familia y mis amigos, cociné, fui de cenas, bebí muchos cafés, fui a Madrid un día y leí otro libro de Paul Auster.

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