Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Just one more class!

Just one more class! I'm so sad! The school year is over!
Just one class tomorrow at 8 a.m. My favorite class. I am going to make a presentation about the Web page I have been doing in the last days with the stories my classmates wrote about working in Iowa.
Today I had JMC 59 as always, we completed the last assignment, an InDesign document about Mars Cafe and then, we made an evaluation of the class.
We finished the class early and then I was working on my presentation for JMC 119.
At 11 a.m. I had my last Honors 84 class. Professor Woodward was really nice and helpful during all the semester and he said very nice words at the end of the class that made me feel more sad.
The moment of my presentation arrived soon. It was at 12.30 p.m. I had to talk about my magazine, the magazine's sponsor, its audience and its philosophy. It was not a very hard presentation for my classmates because all of them in this class are Americans, but in my case it was.
I was in front of the class looking to the people I know, and to the professor. They knew that I was nervous and they help me a lot with their smiles! :)
Then, I taught my last Spanish classes and it was very sad too. We were making a review for the final exam that they have tomorrow and then, the moment of the farewell arrived.
In the afternoon I went to Mars Cafe to a party that celebrated the launch of the magazine THINK. It is done by Journalism senior students and I really like the design. I didn't read all of it yet.
Today I had dinner outside. When I was coming back from Wallgreens to my dorm I saw some of my friends eating outside and I stayed with them. It was really cool and the weather is warm again.
THINK magazine cover

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